Competence Based Curriculum (NECTA)
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Rightway Skills
Digital Literacy
I will seek I will seek to develop the ability to use digital devices, communication applications and networks to access and manage information in a beneficial and useful way
Financial Literacy
Having the proper skills and knowledge about how to earn, save, budget, spend and invest at a young age will empower me to confidently make the right decisions and achieve my goals
Emotional Literacy
I am able to understand, express and manage my own feelings, recognize and respond to the feelings of others to avoid negative reactions
Green Skills
I will endeavor to protect the planet for the future. I will reduce waste, conserve energy and water, protect wildlife and consume less harmful stuff
Critical Thinking
I am a passionate learner and thinker, who is reflective about my learning in order to make informed judgments.
I will develop the tendency to generate and recognize ideas, alternatives or possibilities that are useful in solving problems and communicating with others.
I believe in working with other learners, to achieve positive results on any activity or project
I am to broadly approach new situations and challenges and being flexible enough to embrace the unknown
Rightway school is a privately owned day and boarding primary school registered under the Ministry of Education of the United Republic of Tanzania. The school proud itself for exceptionally enhancing the Competence Based Curriculum to cultivate 21st Century skills among learners and for being the best in academics among top 10 schools in the nationally leading District; Kinondoni. The school has been operating since 2008 to date. Rightway school has attracted new families with varied needs, cultural backgrounds, and our community has grown increasingly diverse over the past decade. Family incomes vary widely although 60% of our learners hail from households of medium earners and 40% from modest means.
The racial composition of the community is predominantly Tanzanians (96%), with approximately 04% of Indians, Arabs and Multiracial. The school’s population is 700 learners allocated in 22 rooms and 100 staff; teaching and non-teaching inclusive.
Our School at a Glance
Explore our achievement in numbers.
Accomplishing beyond
expectations & setting new
standards in our industry
Embracing collaboration with stakeholders. Our individual impact is
magnified in partnerships
Consistent think
tanking, uniqueness and originality believing that the best ideas have not yet been thought of
Each person is unique, special and a basic unit of nature and hence we put emphasis on meeting individual learners needs
Truthful and Tenacious. When faced with difficult decisions and hard choices, we do the right thing, even in the face of adversity and when no one
is watching
Rightway staff and Learners are attentive to detail, eager to help others,
protecting the brand and take ownership of issues